Tested again today but same. The basic shot on the dummy does 103 damage, the bleed only does 8 damage a second with 4 ticks, for a total of 32 damage. And just a curiosity, what’s the exact chance?
Also same as Logan, my right glove disappeared
EDIT: When you harvest the pinecones they disappear without go in your inventory.
A feedback of a desert dungeon run by only me and Draven (Ranger and Runemage):
We died a lot of times clearing the path, it was way harder than the actual boss fights
No problem at all against the dragon, i think both of us had around half hp
The first attemp on the Mech Bosses failed because i didn’t have my ultimate but we were very close
I charged my ultimate before the second attemp and we killed them, i died poisoned after a second
The mech bosses still can enter each other, i accidentally killed one of them while aiming for another
EDIT 2: So i did more bleed testing with various mobs in high level zones and everything seems to have different damage% and can’t find a pattern. The shots are all basic without mark/globes except one:
(Sorry but the forum doesn’t accept more than one space so it’s all messy lol) SHOT BLEED(tick) BLEED(total) TARGET
103 8 32 Dummy
283 66 264 cactur
311 80 320 desert hornet
341 96 384 cobra
375 116 464 lamavora firebug
497 203 812 snow fox
2071 837 3348 heathrun buck (piercing arrow)
431 198 792 heathrun buck <— double checked to be sure but for some reason the bleed damage is the
491 198 792 snow leopard <— same even if the base damage is different
497 203 812 big northerner
My guess is that the thing triggering the Bleed damage itself is different between those shots…again, there are small pieces of damage for example when the Poison arrow initially hits…also it’s possible what’s happening when you are attacking a much lower-level target is that the damage is getting scaled down first when you do the initial attack, and then again when the damage is ticking. I think I need to add a Level 20 Dummy to the initial area that way you guys can be testing stuff without the downscaling taking effect.
So basically, I do think it is working properly, I think you just need in-game a better more consistent way to test it, so I will see about adding that.
yeah i thought at the downscaling as well but even against level 18-19 i can’t even get a 200%, we’ll see with the level 20 dummy.
Also i was taking some lures from the chest and i got a loading screen, after that i lost 2 random slots on my inventory (a lure and reagents which i didn’t interact with)
A few more issues today, mostly dealing with voice transmission:
With several people now I’ve encountered an issue where voice transmission only transmits brief snippets of what someone is saying. Instead of “I’m going to try pulling two. We can handle that much, right?” it might sound more like “…go…two. We…ha…mu…”. It would be best if we could eliminate this entirely. However, in the event that proves problematic it might be a good idea to have something in place to deal with it if it does occur. Perhaps a player whose voice transmission is not being received in its entirety by those around them can get some kind of automatic warning from the system so they can repeat themselves?
Also, with several players I’ve encountered instances of brief, extremely LOUD audio pulses. It does not seem to be caused by normal audio sources like bumping the headset. It sounds more like an encoding glitch. It would be much nicer to have some sort of audio normalization in place to smooth this out. Turning down voice volume as a solution is not ideal because then it becomes problematic to hear what people are saying normally.
While wearing headphones, it feels strange when I talk in game since my speech is fairly muffled compared to how everyone around me in game sounds when they talk. Would it be possible to loop the local mic back to us so that we can hear our own audio in-game instead of only hearing ourselves naturally? This would also help with people not knowing how well the game is currently picking up their audio. Perhaps this could be a toggle-able option for those that don’t want it. It would probably be off by default due to speaker + mic setups causing feedback.
Finally, I had one non-voice-related issue to report. I had a party member die and respawn at Highsteppe. However my compass continually showed them as being located up on the mountain top adjacent to the town, even after we managed to locate each other in town.
I have not been able to participate in any of the testing for quite some time now due to various reasons. I was able to pop in briefly this morning and all I have to say is…wow! The game seems so much more polished, both aesthetically (love the new art framework), and functionally.
Because of my remote location and poor internet, I sat around a consistent latency of around 400 - I was still able to play the game (at least some soloing portions) without any hiccups.
There were a few times when an enemy was charging me that the screen flickered out to a gray square - but it was so quick it was barely noticeable and could possibly be attributed to my lag?
I noticed some people mentioning a sound spike - I also noticed this if standing near a gate or door and someone else had just come through - their sound would spike momentarily. (for instance, standing on the Player House porch - when someone came out of the house their sound spiked)
Hope I’m able to get in more and that the internet holds out! gusts to 70 mph expected later today!
Welcome back then, and glad you like the updates. We are currently tracking the sound spike bug, but glad you were able to play today and hopefully lots more to come.
I posted last beta about the sensitivity on the fishing vibration through the Oculus Touch controllers. You mentioned that you would possibly adjust the levels to make either fish tugging stronger vibration or the reeling in of the line vibrate a little less. After playing around a bit in this beta it feels a little better (or maybe i have just become a better fisherman!) but still if I am reeling the line in quickly it can be difficult to differentiate from a reel vibe and a fish vibe.
One thought I had last night while playing was if you guys changed it so that when you are reeling, the vibration comes through the hand that is gripping the reel, and then a fish hooked vibration could be sent out to the controller holding onto the rod.
A few more issues I’ve found today in no particular order (apologies if any of these have been mentioned already):
Pathing seems to be broken for many of the wolves in the area of the donkey cart we’re supposed to protect. Shooting them with the musket causes them to run off back towards the town. They will often go far enough that they lose aggro and return to where they started. I experienced the same issue with one of the two thieves on that path as well, but after returning to his starting spot and shooting him again, he pathed to me normally. This may be related to the donkey cart quest, but I’m not sure so I put it here instead of the quest feedback thread.
It takes a lot of shaking to intentionally get the Musketeer turret to switch modes, but I’ve had it switch modes twice when simply throwing it for use.
I entered the dungeon over by the pig men alone. After shooting a wyvern with the musket and pulling 3 of them, I left the instance. When I loaded outside, I was under the terrain somewhere and had to teleport to graveyard.
Pet food is rather heavy compared to other items. Is this intentional? A couple people have become over-encumbered due to carrying 25 pet food.
There are some double doors in Guild City that rotate downward to open despite being rectangular in shape.
The airship doesn’t move smoothly; it’s rather unnatural-looking. It also clips through some of the trees after leaving Highsteppe (they pass through the side rotor).
There’s a new patch out this morning. In particular:
Fixed a bug where both gloves weren’t showing up properly on both hands.
When you get a bit while fishing, both controllers should now vibrate.
Fixed issue with the Highlighting system so that it has been re-enabled.
Various crash bugfixes.
EDIT: The patch is now available via the Launcher, just restart to get it.
It’s a rather large patch, so if you want an alternate option (e.g. your download speed is slow via the Launcher), here is a zip file containing the Launcher pre-patched with the latest patch you can download. Thanks!
The seed pods are still indestructible, the only way to avoid it is block with the shield so when we fight the stick aberration i end in melee range near Logan. That affect Elongata as well.
The corrupted stags still have a wrong hitbox and can be hit only near the head
Idk if Outlander read it, but just to be sure: The explorer’s league cape is the same as the Enforer’s one. (And this is a major issue for me! lol)
I reported that the pyramidheads are “small” on the Shot Rating on day1 but the mistake is even on different mobs so better give a look on every mob to make sure is right.
I realized that i didn’t write some thoughts about the Shot Rating yet but i’m really enjoying it. The class finally looks like a ranger and not like a melee archer, and even out of combat i like do some 200 Rated shots on the dummy just for fun.
My arm hurts from thrusting my sword hard for 2 hours it’s really sore. I want to play but I’ve got a dead arm think I need a patch for extra endurance!
I did notice when on low health the red effect doesn’t fill the screen when the user has gone from crouching to standing can see the edge of the graphics it’s a bit disorientating.
not sure if this is supposed to be possible buta group of us can beat a level 14,15, or 16 pyramid head elite as level 5/6. Shiki tank, Me musk, Onyx runemage. Takes FOREVER but it’s possible. It was a 5 star so we couldn’t tell exactly the level.