In-game parser PLEASE!

coming from somone that parsed themselves at least a couple times a day and would competitively use my dps I think its very fair that people want a way to do it on quest I just don’t think parsers are whats best for the game from my experience I was almost obsessed with it and I ended up hurting myself because of it I also used it as a way to say I’m better than other people and I was extremely rude about it at times I know this now and I obviously regret it and hate that I did that to people but it happened and I still see it happening now so I don’t think adding to it by giving more people access is the answer


… that was one really long sentence

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the old bucky special


I, like many other people here, would love to be able to extract the combat log. Creating a parsing program is a lot more to ask for and I think its just more work than it would be worth. I would prefer the devs work on new content and things that everyone would enjoy rather than something niche like this. It is important to recognize that adding anything to the game has a cost associated with it in that working on it means not working on something else.

I don’t think adding logs would add that much toxicity because you usually have at least 1 pc player in any dungeon party anyways so the likelihood of being parsed would be pretty much the same. We are already doing a fine job of dealing with toxic parsing.

Even then I’m not super unhappy about not having combat logs. On pc you can have programs running alongside the game and you can just really quickly tab over to your files but on quest every time you wanted to get those files you would need to plug into a computer and do it manually. I think it would be really tedious.

For the point about not having a parser putting you at a severe disadvantage, I disagree. I think people hyperfixate too much on numbers. Realistically if you can do like 60k and competently do mechanics, you can more than pull your weight in all of the content in the game up until the final boss of hardmode citidel.

Dungeons and raids slow down and fail because people die and because people can’t gracefully do mechanics while maintaining their dps. A 90k mage who hits 30k in realistic conditions isn’t actually a 90k mage. If you can only hit big numbers on stationary targets people aren’t going to care.

I, to this day, have never been seriously parsed on my mage. If I had to estimate I can probably optimistically average like 50k. Even so I get brought into 15s and hm citidels on my mage anyways. People still recognize me as a good player because there are factors to being “good” beyond your theoretical max dps or even your individual capacity to perform. Ultimately if your presense in a shard causes it to be more likely to succeed or have fun, people are going to want you, because that’s the only metric that matters. I dont need a number to quote because by the time you start doing high level content, you are going to have established a reputation anyways and people are going to know how good you are.


This was never about shaming. I don’t care what anyone else’s dps is. I deleted the post because it did sound bad and I apologized because it was said in frustration. If you are happy with what you are doing that’s all that matters. There are alot of ways to play this game.

What I have been actually trying to get at is this. If you want to get through end game content, everything matters what you are wearing, what you are shooting, the affixes and talents you choose all matter. We work the entire game to obtain the best gear so when faced with that challenge we are at our best.

It takes a ton of practice just to get to end game content. When you enter the instance, you not only have your own desires and expectations to account for, you have 9 other people depending on you do be able to do your job.

I ask for this simply as yet another way to help prepare for that. Not being able to parse to me seems like going bowling and not knowing what the end score was. I saw a bunch of pins go down but I have no idea what the score was at the end of the game. This feels the same. We can see a bunch of hit points go up when we hit the enemy thats all. When I have been parsed, most of the time I have been disappointed with the score because it feels like I’m doing much better than I am in reality.

This would give the ability to practice and know how well we can do. That’s it.

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This topic has been discussed many times in the past. Without going into pros and cons of a personal piece of in-game dps hud, i’ll just insert my input from last time this discussion was going on:

Let me add a fictive example to clarify how this could happen:

  • the game client fires the in-combat event
  • the game client stores in-combat start time. How this is stored can vary depending on language/engine etc, but usually it is or can be converted to a number of seconds from a fixed date. In javascript, a newly instantiated date object set to the time it is invoked represents milliseconds since 1 January 1970 UTC. In C# you would probably use the DateTime object which can be directly subtracted by another DateTime object, returning a TimeSpan object which can then be used to derive the seconds elapsed. In C++ you would derive time from C and manipulate it similarly.
  • Every time the player causes damage, this would also be added to a variable specifically for dps calculation
  • Every n time, f ex every second, combat start time would be subtracted from current time and converted into seconds elapsed.
  • Dps would then be calculated by taking the stored damage variable and dividing it by seconds elapsed
  • The dps HUD would then be called to update the number
  • Once the criteria of combat end is met, the damage variable would reset and the date objects of whichever kind be unallocated or just overwritten on next use
  • Rinse and repeat. Super simple operations requiring next to no resources at all
  • A settings UI would be included to customize the dps display in a number of ways, f ex update interval, reset conditions, positioning/looks, number formatting etc.

Simple example of flow:

  • combat start, start time = 8761234 seconds (or a fully fledged date - doesnt matter for the example). Damage variable = 0.
  • player does 6000 damage, this is added to the damage variable which now reads 6000.
  • 1 second goes by invoking the dps display update. Dps would then be 6000/(8761235-8761234) = 6000 and displayed in the dps hud.
  • 1 more second goes by, again invoking the dps display update. Dps would then be 6000/(8761236-8761234) = 3000 and displayed in the dps hud.
  • player does 30.000 damage which is added to the damage variable which now reads 36.000.
  • on the next second tick, the dps display update is invoked once again. Dps would then be 36000/(8761237-8761234) = 12.000 and displayed in the dps hud.
  • … and so on and so forth until combat end criteria selected in the options are met at which point it all resets until started again.

You might think once a second update is a lot, but it really is not. Remember that since Orbus is a VR game, most of us actually get updates (optimally) 90+ times a second. The operations are super basic and requires virtually 0 resources.

I remember the post.

Does that include mayo?

yep and a little mustard but not too much just enough for a little kick

Personally, I think having a combat log for quest users would be a wonderful thing, as it is a helpful tool for bug fixing as well as something that players can use to do whatever they like DPS wise.

That has my support 100%, there are tons of times that if the quest user had a combat log, maybe we could have submitted it along with the issue and perhaps gotten a fix for the issue for all of us.

It would also make it so that quest players could compete in the Cindy contest we have coming up, which would be amazing! :slight_smile:

And I completely get how currently Quest users are felling like beggars, having to ask PC users to take time out of their day for a dummy test session, or just to pull up the logs after a fight in whatever parsing program they use.

Quest users should be able to feel good about being self-sufficient and be able to contribute the data that helps make the game better for all of us.

The in game parser seems a bit over the top as a request considering how laggy/buggy the game already is, maybe a few years from now that could be a cool feature.

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I so want to compete on Cindy, but alas the government needs tax money, so no gaming PC for me.

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Think you’re getting the combat log mixed up with the output log, which is a separate log file that logs errors and other debugging the devs have implemented. The combat log has none of this and does not help with debugging.

When you submit a bug report in-game it automatically sends the output log along with the bug report, this is also the case on the oculus quest I’m pretty sure. Scratch that, no output log on the quest, which makes me think they probably can’t easily make logs on the quest.

No it would not, a combat log on the quest would not be able to be read live, it would have to be pulled from the quest after a play session and then parsed, meaning it would be very easy to edit and there would be no way for cindy to know if it was edited or not.

Thank you for the attempt at correction, often when I send in reports the Devs ask for the combat logs themselves as well as any other data/videos we have.

That is too bad, this seemed like a neat way to solve it. We have been working on ways to include Quest players in the contest and have all but given up hope.

Even without that, they would still be able to import for personal use, which is to the good.

You are right, It is probably harder than it seems.

Why make a log at all? No need to save the data. Use the ram of the headset to keep a certain amount of data. First in first out. The game already displays individual hits on the enemy. No need to even parse simply put a display in a place on screen where you can look up and see your numbers.

Make the display selectable in settings. On or off. Make the amount of time selectable. 1 minute 2 minutes and so on. Make the type of damage selectable DPS, Peak, Max Hit. Once you are finished, turn it off in settings and the data disappears. Gone. Not saved. This is text information, it takes up very little space.

I don’t need or want to see everyone else’s information. I want to see my information just mine.

It has always made me wonder why the albilty to see other players information was ever allowed.

from what i understand the way it works is it goes through the log and then displays what you want from it. i’m not a computer wiz tho so i could be wrong.

Honestly though, if they are unable to make a simple in-game personal dps meter, then i really don’t know what to say. The data is already there without any logging needed and the general approach is super simple as i described further up.

At this point it seems both the most easy and logical solution to provide Quest users with (almost) the same functionality as pc users have if they choose to use it.

Also, dps meters have been in mmorpgs since the dawn of the genre. Can it create toxicity if the measurements are “publicly” visible? Sure. But let us be completely honest here: If someone is very bad at playing whichever class they are playing, you really don’t need a meter to see it. In other words it is a pretty moot point.

People in Orbus are generally very friendly, and i really don’t see that changing with players being able to see their personal dps, wether it be from combat log parsing or an in-game piece of configurable HUD.

It is my belief that the developers fear of toxicity is the only reason it hasn’t been added to the game long ago.

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The fact is, the dev’s opened the door to toxicity themselves by developing a combat log in the first place. If they had put in an HUD this entire conversation would not be taking place.

HUD would be there for all players to self improve and nobody would have access to anyone else’s information.

Toxicity surrounding dps would disappear because players on PC would not have the information. As it is, anyone can get my information (which is PII) without my permission. HUD would solve that breach.

I just came here to say that having access to a parser won’t make your DPS better.

Theoretical max possible DPS for every class has pretty much been figured out at this point. There are loads of guides on how to get there, detailing everything including gear affixes, rotations, and optimal tilesets. All of this information is publicly accessible.

You don’t need a parser to acquire the gear. You don’t need a parser to practice/learn the rotations. You don’t need a parser to make the tilesets.

A parser simply isn’t necessary for personal DPS improvement. All it does is give you a concrete numerical representation of your improvements. You can improve just fine without that, you don’t need to see the numbers to know that you’re getting better.

I managed to hit 50k DPS unpotted with a +4 scoundrel gun on the fellowship hall dummy, without tilesets and without having ever parsed myself/been parsed prior to that moment, when I still played the Quest version of the game. This was entirely thanks to doing research on the class and figuring out what I could do to theoretically increase my DPS output just by understanding the class mechanics better, and practicing. That 50k was more than I’d ever realistically need for any of the content in the game.

Edit: I think it’s also worth noting that the +4 gun & the gearset I wore with it at the time also had terrible affixes on them (Iceheart on the gun and a mix of random stuff on the armor pieces) because I wasn’t yet familiar with re-rolling or what the best affixes for the class were. And I maybe had 1 ring at the time, and it wasn’t a world boss ring because I hadn’t even fought the world bosses at that point.

I have certainly improved since then, I even developed my own tileset & rotation that built on the basic concepts of other existing tilesets/rotations, but I don’t attribute any of my improvement to having a parser. I attribute it entirely to the physical practice & honing in of my rotation. I trained to be more efficient with it, to optimize my reaction times, even trained myself to maintain it while constantly moving around. Looking at numbers on a screen didn’t help any of this.

Is it nice to have a concrete numerical representation of what I’m doing? Sure, I can’t deny that. But it isn’t necessary, not in the slightest of ways.


So fun fact I play on quest and although I would love a parcer there are ways to test damage and rotations for damage 1 example of that would be Scott’s Greg dps calculator as long as you understand a little bit of Java scrip you can basically test out a ton of rotation and tiles for that matter to see what the best possible dps would be you can get the dps calculator to run on almost anything I even got it to run on a chrombook so even if you have a very bad pc that can’t run VR games you can still run the calculator

This whole conversation is getting dumb.

The devs honestly have more important stuff to work on then an ingame parser. Even ignoring the fact that resolution will be a problem and that the current UI is somewhat a mess (I love this game, but let’s be honest. The entire message window moves forward when you scroll), there are more pressing bugs and changes that will actually effect gameplay then just adding a parser ingame.

Both sides have presented their arguments, and it’s up to the devs at this point if they want to dedicate the time and work to making an ingame parser for the few players in the game that don’t want to use outside tools or ask other players to help them parse.

We’re just going in circles at this point.

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