don’t think that was ever the case, and even if it was the way shards worked was redone a long time ago so it wouldn’t be an issue anymore.
as of right now we’re keeping that secret, sorry.
if there are any other questions regarding the legendary fish I would appreciate if it could be taken elsewhere and not fill up the thread with something that isn’t about the map.
They’ve been on the map since the start
Thank it better&better. want this in android, so we can use it in quest or on telephone. or the game map update this concept to it will be great.
Update 0.12.4
- Added system to track Da Magestic Flounder.
- Added requirements to Da Magestic Flounder Tooltip.
- Added missing Blimp Rotations.
- Updated “ponds” in Hulthine and Rainforest
DISCLAIMER: I take no responsibility for injuries or lack of sleep due to excess amounts of fishing legendary fish(sorry Gundrakk)
Quick fix v0.12.5
- fixed issue with flounder logic
… At least I got a warning this time. rubs wrist
Update 1.0.0
After massively improving the graphical quality of the base map, the map is finally in a state that I’m happy with calling full release. The map is still in the same style, but now at a much higher resolution thanks to an online AI upscaling tool. It’s not as good as it would be if I were to redraw the whole thing at a higher resolution, but that would be a lot more work than I want to put in and it’s actually pretty good for how easy it was.
I made some comparison pictures so you can see:
Also I made a little “enlarged” part of the tiny fishing pond in the rainforest since I recently found there are kylakin there and may be some other legendaries too(need to test more). So it ended up being too packed.
![Image 1407](
Now, just because it’s v1.0.0 now doesn’t mean I’m done. I will keep updating the map whenever I e.g. find a new fish rotation or find something is incorrect and of course I’ll be adding the new island when we unlock that. As long as I play orbus I will try my best to keep the map up to date with the game.
Patch notes:
- Upscaled base map resolution(almost 4x what it was)
- Improved the logic for the legendary fish, probably not anything you’ll notice, but it’s a bit easier for me to add to it now and it should be a tiny bit more performant.
- Added some more legendary fish rotations.
- Fixed incorrect start time for one of the flounder rotations.
- Added enlarged version of mini pond south of the scav camp in the rainforest.
- Added a red outline to fish icons in ponds where you will get other fish as well using one of the possible lures for that fish.
Update v1.0.1
- Added credits section. If you think you should be mentioned in the credits but isn’t, send me a message, I probably forgot.
Just when I though you were done you go and make it even better. xD
Just in case we have not mentioned it recently. Your maps are fabulous and you make life so much nicer.
hugs Thank you Potato!
can there be added a dungeon part to the map just like the dlc. where we can see the layout of the dungeon and maybe even the mobs inside?
that is awesome!
maybe add in some colored pillers for ancient guardian room?
but else its looking really good
Update 1.1.0
- Added maps of all dungeons to the map, they include 1:1 mob packs, bosses, dragon races, quest items and graveyards. The dungeon maps will automatically open when you enter dungeons(just like the DLC mini zones) but you can also open them by clicking the icon for each dungeon on the overworld map.
- added more fish rotations.
- reduced the width of collapsed tabs so they take up less space.
After making the dungeon maps I have started considering redoing the base overworld map in the same way, please take the time to look at the dungeon maps and let me know if you would want the overworld redone in the same way or not.
- The current map is fine
- I want a remade version in the same style as the dungeons.
0 voters
I kind of want to steal your map now, and make it into a orbus minigame… 2d
The dungeons DO look good, great work! That is also very helpful for the event, to see what mob types are in there. However it sounds like lotsa work and I get along just fine with the rest of the map as it is.
One annotation, the Credit Window is covering a big area on my screen (around a quarter), covering some areas of the dungeon maps where zooming out is now the only way to see them - I wished we could minimize it like the other tabs.
you can disable it in the settings.
I wanted it to be something that you could completely get rid of and not something to minimize it into a smaller “slice” so I decided to put it there, tho I should probably put a little text on it saying that it can be disabled in the settings as it’s not exactly intuitive.
I made a discord server for the map.
In the server there is all the info on the map that is also here, there are feedback/suggestions/bug report channels, stuff I have planned, stuff that hasn’t released yet, sneak peaks and the newest download of course.
I felt a discord server was more fitting for this sort of project, for now I’ll still keep updating this forum post as well, but I would prefer if any feedback, suggestions, etc. could be directed to the discord from now on.
Since the majority wanted a redone map(and a bit because I wanted to myself as well) I did that and I now have the base map finished. it’s preatty high quality too, try clicking it and zooming in, you can see all kinds of details.
There is still a lot to do tho, like recalibrating the map coordinates to the in-game coordinates, making sure all the nodes are still where they should be and a few other minor tasks. (but with how I usually work, there’s a good chance I’ll have that done by tonight or tomorrow night)