Mobs getting stuck

So, i found out why i am seeing so few elks and stags in Lucian Plateau. Seems a lot of them are stuck on “steep” hills:

Since the game navmesh only allows a certain degree of elevation change, i can neither get to them or they to me. As such, i can’t kill them to get them “unstuck” (they instantly reset on ranged damage). I did get fairly close to them, but i almost had to teleport out of the zone to get myself unstuck in the process.

The player movement limitations vs elevation is something that really bugs me btw. It seems far too restrictive both on teleport and locomotion. On the other hand it also on occasion allows a player to go where they shouldn’t and leaving no way to get out again. An example of this was that i got stuck in a rock in tradu mines yesterday. (Just inside, to the right, slightly “up hill”, big rock on the right. This seems to be partly due to occlusion culling issues, where large objects are sometimes culled when they shouldn’t be. Sorry, i didn’t screenshot that part :frowning:

Here’s another example with wargs/vulpes:

The Elks stuck in the top picture have been stuck there for a long time, we have fired many pushback spells at them and they instantly pop back to where they were stuck, quite funny to see

While on the subject, i’d like to direct attention to this older and closed thread speaking of some of the same issues. Namely mobs getting stuck, and stags being extremely rare:

This thread is from all the way back in january, so it seems this is a long standing issue that ought to get fixed.

I do not know if the part about getting credit on the wrong mobs are still true though, i have not tested this.

Scratch the above edit, i just tested this.

The wrong mob credit bug is also still true. I had 4 stag kills left, and the stags just outside Highsteppe (next to the fishing cot) got me those kills in mere seconds.

A quite serious bug that would seem to indicate that kill quests sort on mob name rather than an internal ID. Something easily temporarily fixed by making unique names. But lets be honest, they should work by internal IDs instead, since as the world grows larger something like this could easily be missed over time.

I believe this works the same for the armoured wargs on that quest, you can do the lower ones around wenderwood

And the big spiders.

^ Any group of mobs or items having identical names have this bug would be my guess. In other words it is an issue that will only grow as Orbus does.

The indicated order guards on the screenshot below (theres 2 on top of eachother) are stuck too:

Sorry for the late reply here, Thanks for finding the stuck mobs that is something were still working on getting fixed permanently, but for now I can move the mob spawners as a temp fix.

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No problem Robert. I’ll keep posting screenshots of stuck mobs i find for temp fixes.

This guy believes he can fly (and doing a jolly good job of it!). Also, he is stuck:

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