Orbus Content Roadmap - Q3-Q4 2021

I can understand the keeping the originals unique like how preborn gear vs the re introduced old game gear is now. I believe theres a slight change of patterning.

I would like to see that rather than a completely undyeable and set colour transmog. It too limited, i really like how everyone can be unique currently with there style choice and colour schemes.

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I don’t understand why the old legendaries have to go anywhere. Why not just add to the list of possible drops? I would prefer to have them stay where they are. It negates hours and hours of work done and makes them pretty much worthless if they can be bought. I would rather see them retired than for sale. At least it keep the prestige of having them.


This was exactly my point

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A recolor like that would be cool.
I will be really disappointed if the versions added to the shop are exactly the same.
I am just saying the odds of getting one are pretty low and changing the rules after the game has started seems kinda cold-hearted.
I am sorry to see them devalued in this way at all…and I am not gonna be chasing whatever the new ones are… but it’d be nice if they found some kind of middle ground… also, if they are willing to do this, then the very least they could do is make all the preborn and unobtainable items / capes / skins / transmogs and anything else that is possessable but no longer obtainable available for dram thru the shop as well…
I dunno, I am just really bummed because I spent a years worth of playtime farming those items and now that is all just wasted time. It just seems really unfair. I know most people didn’t farm them and everyone wants them… but there has to be a better way than this… make the old ones glow, remove a dye channel from the new ones… something…


Will we be informed of the plans for the world drops once you have discussed it or do we have to wait til 8/31 to find out?

I was honestly disappointed when I saw the post about you considering adding the current overworld drops to the shop. And a lot of people, including me, were grinding for hours, days and months just for the chance of getting an overworld legendary. That’s hours of REAL life time people spent on it! Now, in case you will put them into the shop, new players or players that have never grinded before have the guaranteed chance of getting the legendaries? Isn’t that unfair? Just making them unavailable like Old game stuff or let them be a legendary drop in the overworld makes way more sense. Also, if there is no way you have the empathy for the people who “wasted” hours of grinding, at least consider having the price of 6 Mil dram; so people who want the items have to level up and receive perk points in order to have a 6 Mil dram cap.


Just going to put this out there. I feel like if that is the case yes some people will grind and some people will invest the points but there will be a bit more people that would try and get the items with real money transactions from people. Because if only the rich can get it that way or the really lucky what is to say they won’t go out of their way to make real money off the time. Just my 2 cents on the matter of the drops personally.

trading things for real money in the game is against the terms of services but that doesn’t mean everyone will follow that rule, you bring up a good point but i feel like more people wont do it because even now to own one you either have to be very very very lucky or rich. in the future the only thing thats going to change is if you get lucky you will just get another transmog. plus a lot of the players who are stupid rich and is fine with spending most of their money on a transmog probably wont take the deal because they would have a huge chance on getting banned which would just be more of a waist of time because everything they worked for is now lost, of course i cant speak for every person on orbus that will be able to afford the transmog but i just feel like if they spent that much time on orbus and worked super hard to get rich they wouldnt want to run the risk on getting banned

i dont have any overworld legendry’s so my opinion might be biased ill admit but i feel even if i did have one i would still feel the same, i honestly would be kinda happy with this change knowing that i got something for free that every other player has to now grind there butts off to have. now thinking about it longer idk where i stand i feel like the easiest way to do it would be to just make some difference between the two but i guess we will just have to see what the devs decide to do

We did grind our balls off though (that is one of the points people have been trying to make). :sweat_smile:

My pet cost the equivalent of 5 mil (in dram + trickster tokens + materials) which took the effort of several people to acquire. And it still took literal years to convince someone to actually part with one, even at that price. (Thank you again Thaumaturgy!)

The only drop I have ever gotten was because I had been using the grinder and dedicatedly slaughtering spiders in mass for months upon months.

Some friends are still grinding/attempting to bargain in the hopes of getting theirs and others have given up.

I want you (and my friends) to be able to buy items like them from the dram and/or cash shop.

And you are right! Making a clearly visually different version of discontinued items for sale. Would work really well. I love that idea.

That way if you want to pay for it you can.

And those of us who managed to acquire them before they became an easy purchase, get to have something truly unique.


I’ve also changed my opinion seeing feedback from so many I think the best way to go is at least some way for the people that worked so hard for their drops to at least have some sort of special drop such as maybe the ones in the dram shop are foiled in some way or they dye differently or can’t be dyed at all or another idea is to completely take out the old ones let the new one be in circulation for 6 months and then add them back in and just have the 5 and the other new ones as well or just discontinue entirely and just have the new ones and have the old ones forever be old


I think it a poor decision to take the current Legendaries and put them in the shop at any price or color or foil. If the issue is simply a slot issue and the devs don’t want to change the programming to keep the current ones and add to them, and they would like to change Legendaries up and keep them fresh, then why not rotate them out from time to time? Add one or two and take one or two out. They could add as many as they wanted to and rotate them. THAT would bring the rarity and prestige up and still keep them fresh.

Selling them in a store is a no starter for me and a poor decision on the part of the devs. There is a better way.


I tend to agree that adding them to a shop in any form is sub-optimal, but it would be a lot better than moving the existing version of them to the shop.

90+ percent of my roughly 1600 hours of playtime was spent farming those items… and tho I got a few doubles I still never got the cat ears. There are no words to express the dismay that I feel that this is even being talked about…

Literally hundreds of people have asked about buying my Legendaries. The demand has always been much higher than the supply…which is why they were valuable… this move makes the supply infinite which means that those items will become very common regardless of the fact that they are classified as legendary…

Adding new ones is nice, but I can’t imagine why I would chase them knowing that one day they may eventually have their rarity nuked from above by creating infinite supply…

I am just disgusted by this whole situation…when I think about the level of commitment and amount of effort I put into grinding those things out I feel really betrayed. All those early mornings and late nights where I made time to farm will have been for absolutely nothing. That time would have translated in 3 stacks of armbraces in GW or 100 A20 Heart kills in Slay The Spire…

I mean I lost 80 hours worth of progress in Cyberpunk because of a glitch, I lost hundred of hours of farm time in Fallout 76 when a bug wiped my inventory… and I was angry… but this is a conscious decision being made by people who know how much time and effort players put into farming this stuff…

I dunno, the whole thing has me very upset but apparently we aren’t going to know the plans until the day… All I can do is wait.


What it is, is they don’t play the game themselves or have a vested interest in playing. They play to be sure things work or work well enough. They have no investment in playing and have no real idea of the investment their clients have made. They are disconnected and that is why this decision has been made. On one hand they are very intune with the balance of weapons and armor but have no idea of the value of a rare item. It’s sad really.

It may bite them.

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Are there any plans to fix boss 2 citadel hard mode or allow us to skip bosses like guild city? Some groups have a set time limit and needing plea of divinity is getting ridiculous. I understand that it’s endgame content but groups in Orbus are pretty exclusive and if you can’t beat it without plea of divinity you’re kind of screwed. One wipe = 10 mins. 3 wipes and that’s an additional 30 minutes without any way to get to boss 3.

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Personally like the progession of having to kill each boss in order. However definitely having to rely on something like plea would be annoying

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I say progression just until they fix it so that groups with lower dps aren’t stuck at boss 2 for weeks.

As someone who got a demon wings drop myself in a dungeon que airship and then promptly gave them to a friend, I honestly don’t see a big deal in them over just recognizing someone from a distance. I ended up being given cat ears by someone in our guild because he knew it was the only world drop I’d ever use. So because of my circumstances I honestly don’t really care about them to begin with. Personally because of this I feel like a non dyable version would be a good compromise because you’d be able to tell who bought it or who got it dropped. I can’t honestly think of anyone that doesn’t have at least 1 dye on it from my small knowledge of who all has them.

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Hi everyone!

We’ve discussed the feature some more within the team and we appreciate your feedback. We really wanted to change the lineup because it’s been around 2-3 years since the original legendaries came out, but we can see by your comments that the original plan of moving them to the store, even for huge amounts of dram would not achieve that goal without devaluing them for people.

Instead, we’ve decided to leave the current ones in the overworld alone, and we’re adding 5 new ones to the shard dungeons. The drop system will be unchanged, and if you’re eligible for a drop it will simply check whether you’re killing the monster in the overworld or in a shard dungeon to grant you a drop.

Also to clarify, these aren’t being added in the same update as the Highsteppe one, I saw some comments that may be suggesting that. They will come at a later date.

If you’ve got suggestions on cosmetics you’d like to see as new legendaries, feel free to let us know here, we’ll be reading them! No guarantee we’ll be able to pick them though. :slight_smile:


Will the shard/dungeon legendaries be more rare, less rare or as rare to drop as the overworld ones?

My concern is that I “think” people on average spend waaaaaaay more time in dungeons killing monsters than in the overworld. Causing with an equal drop chance, those items to become waaaay more common than the overworld ones.