Reborn isn't for me

the economy is dead because we still don’t know how much stuff is worth because nothing is like in the old game, everything has a different value and it’s going to take time before the economy is built


So what stops you from buying sourbells is you are unsure of the value or you have 3 stacks of them in your bank?

I think defend the realm should have been alot more mat and dram intensive for way more and better rewards.


My feeling is that you would be alone with newbies on that wiped server, because many others rage-quit who spent 100s hours to build stocks :smiley: … gear became meaningless which I farmed for weeks this alone is enough to catch-up… plus this thread really leads to nothing but blabla, slowly, since what is done is done.

If chests are removed or nerfed now, then the major winners are people like me and others who got their leveling done already. Only those comin new to the game are put behind even more, this alone is worth a thought.

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I have 3 stacks, yes, but I had 3 stacks in OG too and wouldn’t buy them because I didn’t need more of them and that is still the case, but there is still going to be a need for it eventually from newer players and for those who didn’t farm 3 stacks of them.
it’s not going to be as big a need because you get them from the reward cashes so the value is obviously going to drop a lot, but there are going to be other items that have higher value and that will sell. it’s going to be a different economy with different needs and different values, but there is going to be one.

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I think part of the problem is anyone can make any potion recipe whether they have it in their inventory or not. I think you should of restricted it to only the people have the recipe. I like in OG where the recipes were hidden. I think you guys could have done a lot more with them. Like have bosses drop certain recipes. Have quest vendors sell them once you achieved a certain amount of rep. You could have got them also from doing quests. For the x5 and x10, you should of had the x5 unlock after you made 50 of the regular potion. To unlock the x10 you would have to make 50 of the x5 potions. Little things like that make it rare and help boost the economy.


Reborn is just as buggy as OG Orbus only now we are all lost. Are they able to just turn the old servers back on? To get back to op post.

(Lots of good conversation going on I dont want them to shut this thread down.)


Who on earth came up with the idea that there’s no rare things on the market? The market is as good as wiped from every relevant item rn, there’s for example not one single flounder, jelmiry, blimp or frosted perch and in case no one noticed, potions are up to 5k, they seem real easy to make huh :wink:
All what rare recipes would do is form an elite even more, alienate new players and make em spend large amounts on the market which flow to those who are drowning in dram anyway…

As for recipes doable without having it, did you try makin a recipe without the journal yet? You better have a real good screenshot and an option to pin your window properly else you will make nothing but ruined potions from the new recipes with x steps :D; it’s much easier to have em in the journal.

The only idea I am fond of is 10x recipes unlocking once you did at least a few singles - with none-rare mats -, but since I do singles anyway, lacking mats for the multiples, this will change nothing much.

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“OR”. And I’m so glad the elitist mentality is still going strong. No regard for anything a “newbie” says. So you want a server full of max levels? Sorry but that is not a very smart business plan for orbus unless you want them to go monthly sub or even worse, ftp with ass loads of micro transactions and ads. They need new players to buy it on a regular basis. But I fully expected a response such as yours almost immediately. thanks for proving my point. Have a nice day.

resetting every player isn’t going to decrease the amount of max level players, it would just delay us by a few hours.


A reset is the only thing people apparently see in my original comment. They cannot keep going unless there is a regular influx of new players (buyers) a new separate server would be perfect as I also mentioned in my original comment. Then people that want to start really new and discover and grow the server can do so. And the old timers can all have their fun too.

right, have your server with 2 or 3 people on it. because that would be such a joyous and fun experience.


Actually, even if it takes longer than a week of playing, I want that. The leveling part of any mmo I played is fun, but hardly took more than a month before the actual game started, which consists of mostly dungeons and gear-farming, for many months, normally until an update comes out (comin from WoW, mostly).

Some are goin as far as saying the leveling part is just a necessary and boring thing to get over with until the actual, endgame-content, I would not think that, but yea, even if opinions might differ on how much fun it is getting to max-level you won’t find an mmo which lets you level, eternally.

There needs to be a stop to have equal groups who could work on content. We see that rn with level-scaling, there is such a huge difference even between a green-weaponed 29 without his final talent and a +1 30 it is just not practicable playing in group without a final level everyone can reach in a fairly short time.


also with a small playerbase like orbus it’s actually quite important to have a lot of them be max level so we can actually get groups going most days to run end game content.


There is definitely an item rarity gap between herbs, ores, reagents and the super rare world drops… Some 20 or so rare and epic vanity item world drops would help boost the Auction house usage drastically. Herbs and ores are a means to make something we should be using every day if we want to min max so making those rare is not the solution here.


Even though they would be max again super fast they wouldn’t have the stockpiles of mats and dram from the other game.

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My stockpile of mats and dram has doubled in 2 weeks from what I had from over a year of playing original. That is not going to change a thing :slight_smile: . There just needs to be some other rare things to list on the AH and let the basic neccesity items (the stuff already in the game) be as they are.

Anddd… I am sure some world PvPers will like this idea… Make some rare vanity items only drop when in PvP mode in overworld :smiley:


That is the other problem all these chest that just fall from the sky. Get rid of them and do a reset and everything would have value again.

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if my point wasnt clear here is a graph i gone done drawn



No, it really would not. I’ve farmed more mats and dram in a few days than I did over several months of old Orbus. This is inflation - it means that as prices adjust, the dram and items you get from the chests become worth relatively little compared to things that are tedious and annoying to obtain like Jelmiry.

Edit - This also made peoples’ stockpiles of dram much less relevant since there’s so much of it flowing around, which is as close as the devs could get to making things even for the new economy while still allowing their core playerbase to keep their items.