Reborn Patch 10.80

Can you please remove Indestructible from the weapon affixes as they no longer get destroyed and we already have enough RNG to get the affixes we want without a completely useless one in the mix


Sure, makes sense, I will take it out of the rotation in the next patch for weapons.


It would also make sense to remove treasure master since dram is already dropped by default and in much more quantity.


Question why reduce energy generation on paladins in PvP? Wouldn’t that make us pallys stronger bc we would take reduced damage because we are constantly empty? You would think faster generation which would make us take more damage faster, I understand that means we could put out more attacks faster but that would make the class “more fun” to play for the noobs who cry about it so then just reduce our damage output.

Bosses and bosses miniones are still effected by allert.


Apparently there’s no damage reduction for paladins in pvp already.

Not sure if bug or intentional… Shard dungeons don’t seem to give any xp for completion?

We’ll be deploying a small patch here in a few moments with the following changes:

  • The Indestructible affix will no longer roll for weapons since weapons no longer take durability damage.
  • Added some logging to help track down an issue with friends lists not updating.
  • Hopefully fix the interaction between the guaranteed roll prompt and the resurrect prompt this time :slight_smile:
  • The Auction House will now have a category for equipment e.g. the very rare overworld drops that are tradable.
  • Made many items (such as teleportation devices, tools, etc.) destroyable.



Big win here!

On a related note, I noticed the Lure section is empty and all the Lures are in the Tools section, unless that was fixed recently.

Also there is a white box that covers the list when there is too many items listed

Also happens on the other bit where you refine the search


also public events crystal from chaos portal and the fish from flying fish public event coladas with the player avatar

same deal for me

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can also confirm the white box appears floating infront of both dropdowns when the list seems to have a large number of items (usually on the ingredients tab)

Am I supposed to have this filling my screen still while I’m in a shard dungeon with only 4 other people, or is that part of the audio issue and you need my output log?

This can be temporarily fixed by leaving auction house and reopening. Button at bottom.

Can’t find the post but I think Riley said to turn off stats. Try that and turn it back on I guess

I was more interested in finding out if they needed me to send the info I’m seeing and if it showing lots of the info for players that aren’t in the same instance as me was part of the issue that they are tracking down, not really how to get rid, closing the client and reopening cleaned it off

Bruh this legit makes using Invis pots useless! :rofl:

Can people still hear you when you go invis? I’ve never drank one

A random person ran up to me once (he appeared out of nowhere) asking if I could hear him. I didn’t get what he was asking at first, but told him I could hear him then. Then he drank an invis pot, and indeed, I could not hear him talking, but I could still see his mount. When he reappeared he thanked me and ran off.
So unless something has changed or unless that was a fluke, those using in game voice cannot be heard with an invis pot. I wonder if mounts are still visible though. His was the steampunk mount

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