Reborn Patch 10.80

Also why is dram and reagents the only things dropping in dungeons?


It was also announced that they could drop in dungeons, why was it changed to overworld only?

Sorry, that is correct, double-checking the code. It will drop in any overworld or regular dungeon content, just specifically not Shard Dungeons or Raids.

The Raids will have their own rare drops just like last time in the form of pets and a mount. Shard Dungeons currently contain some rare dyes in the bonus chests but I’ll see if we can add an additional item or two to that loot table.


I have never seen one of them after 100+ shard dungeons unless its plain old black and whites from OG orbus?

I’ve done 68 shards and I’ve never seen a dye from a dungeon and nor has anyone else that I’ve played with

Unless you mean the black and white I guess

Hmmm…I do know those are in them but I thought we added another one. I will investigate that further.

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itd be nice to get some dye for completing 10’s and on time. Now everyone is getting their phat epixx from 10’s they are less interested in running and giving them a unique motivator to continue running would be nice. I am part of the ‘they’ in this aha.

Yeah we will look into that for sure. Ideally I’d like to have “standard” goals that are obtainable by most players, and “rare” goals that are harder to obtain for players who are really dedicated and spend a lot of time in-game. I guess I would have considered running Tier 10 Shards to be “rare” already, but certainly there is a small group of a dozen players or so who have already achieved that, so I guess we need to add some more “rare” stuff on the Shard track.

-cough- basically just Alphabet -cough-

Laughing coffin too!


I haven’t got 1 of them and have run quite a lot. Just black and white.

btw scoundrels can still one shot

I would love some video proof

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