Reborn Patch 10.90

There is an icon that shows you the cooldown time remaining.

I get that. My concern is that it’s not going to be easy enough to see while in the midst of everything else. Managing one or two cooldowns at a time off an icon may be okay, but now we’re looking at three separate cooldowns all on their own little icons. A visual effect (like the warriors have with their shield color) would make it a whole lot easier and more manageable.

I guess we’ll see how it is in practice over the next bit of time, but I suspect that with just a cd icon on the hammer it’s going to be very frustrating

I have a mixed feeling about the warrior shield cooldown. On the one hand it is really what was not needed and makes impossible fights more impossible and we will just kite longer which is also a bad side effect. On the other hand I feel like this might not have a big impact and also spices things up with the current playstyle for me as warrior. I think like most changes lets see how it is in practice.


Any update on spell visuals being fixed? Still also crashing on the reg… Nice.

yea i like how everyone got a a little love but warrior gets another problem lol

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just wish they would have looked at the lvl 30 talents

The shield is also a vital part of keeping aggro, since it can be quite difficult to provoke mobs that are stacked inside each other, so this makes that more difficult. This is particularly problematic if you get caught with your shield down when lich king summons his skeletons.

Potato makes a good point - without considering personal preference, the paladin just seems like a better choice in every situation because it does so much more damage.

Edit: or am I missing something? If someone has an alternate perspective, let us know.

Except for any situation that requires a hamstring. With the reducing effect on frosts for movement debuff, a paladin would never be able to take, say, Boss 4 oldbus raid, since it involved basically hamstringing and running back and forth across the room between tankbusters. Slime boss in Reborn the paladin is basically worthless, while the warrior can hamstring and thus help make dps easier.

Good point Atropos, I imagine there might be something like that in this round of raids as well.

Can you make it spawn every 10 hours like it was for the trickster chest? If it’s always random between 8 and 10 you’ll need to be online during those 2 hours to know when it spawns rather than logging in a few mins ahead to partecipate

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Adding to my comment: i think the speed at which a warrior can move around a room (with people in it*) is much higher than a paladin can. The warrior jumps take you quite far instantly, while the paladin hammer if thrown while moving only takes you at max a couple meters before you would catch up to it.

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The damage increase for rangers is welcome, but is there any thought on fixing our utility (or lack thereof)? We’ve requested an additional utility arrow and a fixed trap.

I like the randomness of it. Makes it less of a chore that will always have the same people and more of a fun activity if you happen to be on at the time.


The paladin hammer does give you additional movement past your max range, however, and a skilled paladin can move quite far if they throw the hammer in the other direction and then let it fly past them before teleporting. Likewise, the paladin does not need a player or a monster at a location to teleport to it. So both have their own advantages.

A lot of this is heavily limited in combat. While out of combat you can get it quite far, but inside of combat it is 1) very unreliable because you have to get the sideways movement just right or else you don’t get a teleport at all, 2) if you happen to hit an enemy with it, you may lose your orbs and 3) it doesn’t get as much of a sharp throw since you’re closer to it when you grip (so if doesn’t slingshot as far. Really your best bet while in combat is to throw forward, which only moves you a little further each time than your base movement.

Edit2: 4) also it takes a bit to get the slingshot going, since you have to throw it, grip, and wait for it to pass again, so it’s nowhere near as instantaneous as throwing forward or as Warrior teleport. Can probably get off two forward teleports in the time it takes for one slingshot throw

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Agreed, I just started playing Shaman and boy is it a hard class to play at times because of the bugs. As a scoundrel when I couldn’t draw my cards it was a small pain, but I could kill what I had to and then log to fix, as a shaman you can’t attack you just have to run and hope to live.

The only time I find a use for sword rush presently is when I have to kite like mad because of an elite pack, and at that point I have no problem jumping in a perpendicular direction first. I want to lose as many orbs as possible while it is flying so that I keep my damage mitigation up. But you’re right, it’s definitely not as instant as the warrior sword rush.

Also faster to throw forward and smash ground upon arrival. 3 orbs instantly removed :slight_smile:

I digress, though. We’ll just have to see what’s in store for us in the raid and whether (as I hope and suspect) some fights will be better for warrior and some better for paladin, with some having a negligible difference (as we have seen thus far in dungeons)

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Thing is, a bunch of us do produce resources that help the entire community. And because we run tier 10 shards, we also understand the impact that some of these changes will have towards balance, or the lack thereof.