Reborn Patch 10.95: Raid Release

We had this issue as well. Seemed like if tank lost aggro for even a second, the add reset to boss position with full health, which really sucked when both adds were down to almost nothing and then, bam, one add back at full and a cleared aggro table.

Well so you would be able to transmog a piece of Leather gear, then use that gear on any class that can equip leather, yes. I suppose with this method you at least have to originally earn the gear on the correct class.

It’s either that, or we make it so that you can transmog a piece of leather gear onto for example a piece of Ranger gear, but not vice versa (so you can go from more “general” to more “specific”, but not the other way around). The obvious downside to that is it means if you have a really good piece of leather gear from e.g. a shard you’ve been working on building up you are unable to transmog it with the Raid style.

Okay we’ll look into fixing that too.

Okay we’ll look into that too. Thanks!

I wonder too :thinking:. It’d be nice to rock a title for this. The title ‘perfect’ lol. :laughing: . okay maybe not such an arrogant title… Maybe something like ‘Flawless victor’ rofl.

There is a new patch going out this morning with the following fixes/changes:

  • Fixed issues with the background getting messed up in the Player Menu after logging out and back in.
  • Fixed an issue preventing using Transmogs with the new Raid gear and existing gear. You can now use it as long as the gear is something your currently-equipped class could wear.
  • Fixed the same issue with Infusions.
  • Fixed still showing “Raid (Beta)” in the Player Menu.
  • Fixed a couple of reported issues on Boss 2 in the Raid.
    • Boss can’t buff himself after the fight resets.
    • No more lingering blue glowing effects after fights.
    • Elite adds get upset if they’ve been kited around for too long
  • Fixed some cases of bosses running to a random location before engaging on the player.

Patches are going out now on Oculus and Steam, and then they will go out later today on Quest assuming no issues are found with the new fixes. Thanks!

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Dev team, any luck figuring out what’s causing that scoundrel gun jamming issue? Not in a hurry to have it fixed personally, just curious as to whether it’s the reload timer or something else.

We’ve been looking into it, but haven’t been able to resolve the issue just yet.

I still haven’t seen it, could you check it’s working as intended?

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It isn’t started yet. We’ll update this thread once it’s going.

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The auction for Market Stall 1 Deed should be live now.

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Not seen this bug in quite sometime bit it appears to be back, this is the 1st time I’ve seen it since the patch though so I’m guessing it doesn’t happen often

Writing is broken

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Yeah go ahead and send us that log and we can try to track it down hopefully. Thanks!

Just sent log

Thanks let us know if it happens again

@Scott Is this the same thing that is happening to you that you are sending in logs for?

Have you had it happen again Rickness?

Not happened again yet, will let you know if it does, It happened when I was killing mobs for the GRINDING device @ hidden garden, in case that helps with anything

Ya happened twice in my house today for some reason

So there is also a scroll bar on the stat screen when pvp is enabled, if I take my title off it will go away

It doesn’t seem to happen with pvp off, even if I use my longest title

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Not seen this one before, need the output log?

The old orbus menu returns!


When you get a battleground queue pop it comes up with dungeon queue

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