Is that a typo? I got 4 pieces of furniture from achievements I think, they look pretty nice and cute
Oh, uh yes. Sorry about that.
We’re definitely open to revisiting what sort of rewards we hand out, so we appreciate the feedback and are awaiting for more too - for now we’ll take a look at how players feel after they’ve had the chance to play around with them for a while since it’s a daily thing.
That was my fault I had a typo in the original post, there are 5 furniture pieces you can get, 4 of which come from achievements. Ill edit my original post
Are the rest of the rewards also not tradable? I think this will take away from the repeatability of the treasure maps as you won’t be able to sell the rewards which makes treasure hunting less rewarding overall
We were actually planning on making them tradeable in today’s patch, it’s going to be a patch tomorrow with fixes.
Thank youuuu!
Could we get Exp added as a reward? I’ve been thinking about what could be added without it becoming worthless like the Spiderling dye currently is due to how common it is, I think Exp rewards would be a good addition to the current reward list, could have like 1,000 exp as standard drop and then rarer drops with higher exp too
You get a lot of Spiderling dye from grinding too. But what I want to do is be able to sell those dyes to the apprentice smith like all other dyes are possible to -_-
The treasure hunting system is quite nice and the only bit wierd issue ive found was a map location where you need to get by jumping through “walls” with no other option to get there…
For now ive been looting just Spiderling dye, major shards, drams, reagants.
Also if you just arrive in Mugwood for the first time and be lucky to get a map early I would really welcome if the maps you get will have some sort of an indicator when your in a wrong location.
First 3 maps ive get were headding into Hallows and I didnt even knew about that place yet so for first 30 minutes i was running around Mugwood feeling a bit “confused”…
Also adding treasure guards will be a great addition to treasure hunting. Youll have to get the map and fight the guardians to be able to open the treasure! Maybe undeads could guard these treasures?!
Even better if we could optain a map in overworld too (maybe with different drops based on location highsteppe, lamavora, etc…)
With much lower drop rate ofc.
thanks for the feedback, do you happen to remember what area you were in when you had to jump through “walls”.
Also keep hunting I think your in for a suprise!
This is coming out in the coming months (adding the treasure hunting mechanic to the existing overworld), but maps dropped in overworld will only be for overworld areas not the new DLC areas.
I have looked at all the treasure map locations there are and can tell you there is not a single one you need to jump through a wall to get to.
If you’re struggling to find them they’re all on my interactive map:
I’m really looking forward to this!
I want there to be even more map locations. That a repeated map does not happen that often
Yeah for sure! Lots of places in the overworld which could see more use, plus climbing can be a thing to give us more access to places we couldn’t get before
Thanks Robert!!
Ill try look for the exact location and if ill be sure I found it (i didnt knew the map that well) ill send it to you.
I like them. You can use the in-game world/zone map to try to pinpoint where the chests are, but some things like flowers don’t show up on the in-game world/zone map, which I guess is fine.
It would be nice to see maps expanded to the biggie-world rather than being limited to the DLC, where maps can drop off any monster.
The loot:
In one instance I got like 2 runemage reagents, a major shard and something else that was junk. Felt bad man. The mimic was really weak and basically insta-died but spooked me. Didn’t get any loot from him though. My first chest was like 2500 dram and some other stuff so that was really nice. Not a fan of the less common dye, spiderling or whatever. Haven’t applied it to anything yet. The other one might look cool, not sure yet.
The “rarity”:
You can get the map easily, usually within killing two mobs. This makes mapping more of a daily quest rather than a rare find. I would have preferred unlimited maps per day, or maybe 1 per day with a more rare drop chance.
The economy:
Well you basically get 1 a day within minutes of logging on. People are foolishly trying to sell them for like 25k which I imagine will drop with time. I’d pay maybe 2-3k tops since you are limited to one a day in the event I wanted to try farming the mimic helmet, etc. I like that they are tradeable, but because they are not rare their value is diminished greatly.
“rarity” versus accessibility.
Because these maps, I believe, are limited to the dlc-zones, people are less likely to farm a rare map if it were made rare. However if you could only get DLC treasure maps in the dlc-zones to get the DLC mimic helmet and dyes, mount, etc, this is fine as it adds back value and gives someone reason to try to farm out maps in the dlc-zones. This remark kind of teeters around the idea that maps should/would be added to the big world but the big world would not drop maps that lead to the DLC areas and give the DLC treasure map rewards, which would be unique to DLC-zone loottables.
The expected:
No shovel, etc. I mean it’s cool the map like sparkles and vibrates when you get close. I liked the mimic. Finding the treasure chest is rewarding but not all that crazy as it’s just sitting there in the open. I think it just opens as you approach too? No cool like lifting up the chest lid awesome reveal moment. Could have had more immersion here.
Haven’t seen everything yet but I liked the treasure chest furniture.
I don’t buy maps because I barely have the time to go after the one’s I got myself before they expire… I’m in dungeons or raids in the evenings and normally got my lunch-break to farm and craft and perhaps do couple dailies.
On Weekends I can farm for treasures gotten though, do more quests etc. But by then half of my maps gotten before will be expired. The maps last barely longer than they are available on the Auction House, so most maps there will be worthless even quicker.
Nothing against an expiry date, but 4 days makes trading less attractive and is fit for players who are in school or otherwise got more time on weekdays to go after all this, which is not quite fair - it should be 7 days, if not 8 because a map will most likely loose at least 1 day when put in the auction house.
Then we could collect maps during the week, no matter if via auction house or drops, and do them weekends.
Well, I think the treasure map hunt is kind of fun, once you figured out how to use the ingame world map to locate where the treasure is anyways.
To add to the system, I need to explain how I find my treasures.
I look at the treasure map and then look at the ingame world map. Then trying to figure out what can be rendered on the world map compared to the treasure map. Example, I had a treasure map showing 2 white flowers very close to 2 brown mushrooms. It also showed a large cliff with grass on the edge. With this information, I can find exactly where it is by looking for the exact same features on the world map. This process usually only takes me like a minute or 2.
The only thing I think could be added is a compass on the treasure map to indicate which direction is north. This would make finding the treasure 10 times easier because sometimes it would be in the spider caves. In the spider cave’s world map, the only things to go on where the rocks and entrances indicated on the treasure map. Kind of annoying.
Edit: I also think treasures spawn in the spider cave should have more value… it’s kind of pain in the ass running through or killing all the bugs in your way.
Edit, edit: the mimics should be lot harder to kill. I was imagining getting a mimic, then having to call up a friend or two to help you kill/heal through the fight. Not killed with like 3 strikes of paladin hammer… kind of disappointing there.
I’m hoping when it comes to the overworld that they bring in different difficulties of maps depending what you get it from from like low/med/hard and you have to kill like level 1-15 for low 16-29 for med and for hard ones level 30+ (pink+red mobs)
The low ones can just be single maps, the med and hard are multiple part with increasing difficulty, including the mimic you need to kill, puzzles and clues to find the chest
I’d also like so you can get more than one a day but it’s a rare drop, that way we have something we can grind that is fun to do as split off to go do our treasure map then once we are done with it we can go back to grinding to get another rather than just do our daily map and then be done for the day