Slow movement in battle mode

Exactly. As a 30 ranger, I really only need the trap for elite enemies. I can solo almost anything else (not bosses) if there is only one. I have worked with the trap to delay a second target with some luck.

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As Iā€™ve said before if you manage your stamina well you should be able to leash almost any enemy. The slowing when you get aggrod is jarring and I do audibly curse every time it happens. But as I said you can outrun practically anything so the slowing doesnā€™t amount to much except making you take longer to get where youā€™re going. I really only do dungeons anymore to avoid getting slowed in the field cuz itā€™s just a pain.

Yes. It is jaring when you get agroed and Iā€™m pretty sure EVERYONE audibly curses. I have no idea where you get the notion that management of stamina and the fact that the enemy moves at full speed vs you moving at the speed we at NASA, move a rocket to the launch pad allows you to ever outrun anything.

I find it hard to swallow the notion that with these mechanics in place that it allows classes to fight in their class style. These mechanics give a preference to tanks. Every other class just has to deal with it. I have been out and observed alot of players working their character and all have to deal with this. Tanks are suited to it everyone else just gets to suck it up. That is my point. Iā€™m not holding my breath waiting for it to change. Iā€™m just sayin.

Another thing to consider is immersion. Imagine in the real world that a rule is made and laws passed that if a thug engages you in an attack, that you have to pull your pants down on order to deal with this guy. Not very realistic. With my pants down, running or even positioning myself in my signature Lotus fighting stance isnā€™t an option my pants are down. His pants are in the up position. Itā€™s not realistic in the real world and it is not realistic in the game.

Realism has absolutely nothing to do with this game whatsoever. Itā€™s not realistic that I can pump 100 bullets into an enemy and heā€™s still fighting just as strong. Itā€™s not realistic that I can slash somebody with s sword 500 times and theyā€™ve taken minimal damage. Itā€™s not realistic that I can shoot fire out of a stick Iā€™m holding because I can write the letter B.

Game balance > realism.


Point taken. I surrendered. It is what it is.

I really agree. If your someone like a bard then it is hard without a group. And like you said, the ranger also has issues unless your a master, but what about the new guys and gals. Someone like a warrior really doesnā€™t have these problems often because they can actually protect themselfs. The devs should make it so that certain classes have more speed than others depending on the protection and how fast they can solo kill enemies.

Well the reason bard is hard without a group is because it was supposed to be AOE heals until they made musky that (that and it is atrociously underpowered). Classes do not need more speed, instead the game needs a better tutorial to teach you how to actually play whatever class you chose, what your abilities do, what your equipable abilities do, etc.

Right now newer players who donā€™t play a tank struggle because the game does not teach them their class at all to a degree of knowing your abilities. There is the journal but I doubt many actually go to the page with abilities and read it.

The movement speed is balanced and while some classes have more trouble than others solo that is because most classes like that are either tanks, support, or launched underpowered like bard. Movement is still fast in combat by combining slide & teleport to the point where you have a lot of extra movement.

The tutorial IMO needs rework and not speed in combat. The tutorial is so lackluster now (it always was but even more now) that it does not teach you combat basics like bolts or circle aoes. Not to mention you can just completely ignore the tutorial which new player might even with the ā€œwallā€ blocking you in.

That 2nd paragraph really didnt say anything about more speed in combat being a bad thing. :confused:

And they can still raise it up enough so that you dont have a 5% CHANCE OF ESCAPING ALIVE!!

Are you only using locomotion? If so that is your issue

Theres an issue with teleporting as wellā€¦ That square sucks at being at your character in time. Did you even notice? :expressionless:

And thereā€™s also a 5% chance of escaping with the teleport as well. They just follow you around and attack you.

Thatā€™sā€¦a very low number lol. If weā€™re just throwing numbers out, then in my experience the number is more like 99% chance to escape alive :slight_smile:


Itā€™s fun to be a stick in the mud! Donā€™t you get it. Moving slowwwww is awesome and everyone loves the mechanic. Making things more frustrating is #1 way to keep player base

Yeah, and some people quit those classes because of that.

And besides,if you venture too far as a new class like that and capture a monster that could likely kill you first shots attention, your dead.

What class and level are you. Iā€™m guessing a level 23-30 from a comment like that.

30 in everything on my main character, and purposely staying low level on my alt characterā€¦which I can survive 99% of situations in as a level 7 Paladin :slight_smile:Ƈ

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Apparently I have more in game time than Mishkas main. I still have no idea what im doing most of the time tho. Quality over quantity I guess.

Main or alt? Because these are the only people with more time in game than me lol

Idk maybe its bugged out on mobile. Said you had 3 days in game time.