Trickster Goblin Day 2 Discussion

Okay that was not intended… I assumed you guys were on voice chat and coming to beef me up. :man_shrugging: . I am glad they will fix that soon.

  • The safe zones are not actually disabled, we tested it right in front of the highsteppe door (outside) and we couldn’t hit each other with the tokens. This maybe because it’s only disabled for the tokens carrier so it needs to be disabled for everyone in the same safezone as the carrier.
  • There needs to be an alert for when it actually spawns not just the 5 mins warning, as that seems to be a little off.
  • A beam should be added on the goblin and the person who carries the tokens for more action, right now people rarely find each other after the goblin is killed.

so you guys did find the goblin then? I assume that is when you hammer teleported past me? or after that?

I honestly just gave up as soon as I saw Kamina hammer teleport past me and the 3 of you following behind. No idea really… Was all a little bit confusing. I assumed that you had found it (looking at the time frame that is when you had found it already and 1 guy vs 4 would have not been successful).

There should be an indication on who has the token.

Also there could maybe be some mechanic to where the token carry has to get a PvP kill to complete the token, although I worry that would be abused by bringing it home and doing the PvP in a secluded spot with a friend later on.

Lastly the Goblin should probably be a larger model (If it’s not already) and have some what of an HP pool so it’s not killed immediately.

wouldnt work because that would require the person having it to actually search for a red player, and if its during a off time there could be literally no other red players on the server

Maybe make the goblin immune for 2 mins of it spawning? Or immune for 1 min after it got hit for the first time.

I’m sorry, but I’m not agreeing with the complaints.

The point of this goblin is to up the number of pvp players in a area and give them something to fight for right?
The reward is honor, THE token(s), and whatever you have in your pocket.

Making it a exact time and place will lower the amount of overall activity. Giving a notice, and saying it will spawn within 15min would be ideal.

A notification when it is killed needs to go out properly, as it changes the rules of the game.

As for the safe zones, just make them so they exsist when you teleport to a place, not from it, problem solved! All current safe zonnes have different enter and exit boundries already, so cant be hard.

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except as it is now its a luck game. people, us included, arent winning the tokens by fighting. we are winning by getting lucky and finding the goblin. This is a pvp event, not RNG event

But you kill plenty :smiley:

so the chest shouldnt be a PvP event? so then why not make it getable by white names?

i find nothing wrong with the goblin tokens pvp event from hearing from my fellowship side they have a lot of fun doing the pvp more then focusing the token that csn be a disadvantage

If people are liking the luck game, the devs could make a separate treasure hunt event which would just randomly say that a treasure chest was spotted on X zone without set times and no pvp (basically day 1 goblin with pvp off and different rewards) and that could also be fun.

But if we’re talking about a PVP game, it just can’t be heavily luck based like it is now.

@anon88892761 Diddent you rage quit the game? Welcome back.

Why would you make a pvp event not pvp @Kamina?

If they want more people to gather at the goblin, make the fight longer, and louder. If it’s just a pvp event and a escape game, keep it as it is, but fix the notifications. I rather enjoyed the extra players in the zone to fight.

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Was being sarcastic because u were saying that u wanted to keep it so that it’s luck based not skill or any sort of pvp based and that u said we “kill plenty already”

It razes the number of pvp players in the zone, so it is improving pvp.

For 5 minutes before the notification that the goblin was taken pops up

So my sugestion was to add a more inexact spawntimer to gather people in the zone.

haha burn you so funny

Then u would be wondering in circles looking for something that may or may not be there for a extended period of time, meaning u could be walking and it could spawn directly behind you and you would never know. This would still leave it up to 100% luck