Wilds (Fishing, Gathering and Mob Drops for those)

Gotta create demand somehow, I guess.

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While Iā€™ve never had any run ins with UoH, I also assumed Iā€™d be paying somebody to protect me from them lolā€¦ Paying them for protection almost feels like paying the mafia protection bill. Which is both sad and awesome that weā€™d even have a group like that. This game really is pushing a few social fronts lol


This really depends on the price :slight_smile: Like all business transactions this could be justified as long as you are gathering more value than what you paid to be protected. I plan to negotiate this as much as possible whenever I get around to this venture to ensure that the protection contract we write up is fair and economically viable for both parties!

Yes, and also basically this attitude just kills a gameā€™s economy. I have friends who will grind for hours to get herbs but somehow buying them from the auction house is ā€œrobberyā€ and ā€œforcing us to payā€. There is no correlation for them between time and money, and they refuse to spend gold as if that in itself is a right to protect and not simply part of being in a living, breathing game. I donā€™t get this stubborn attitude towards participating in a gameā€™s economy - if you can do everything, there is no room for anyone to specialize and make a ā€œlivingā€ with their market stall. The Wilds is just one way of diversifying the economy and working towards more player interaction - through adding an area that not everyone is interested in going to, but some people are really interested in going to.


Iā€™ve been looking at the economy as very much lacking barriers to entry, but youā€™re right on this. The Wilds are probably the most effective driver of the economy right now.

Coming up as a new player the last month, I have begun to really notice that the plush market stalls are often actually representing an entire Fellowship, and not just an individual. At least thatā€™s how it seems. I donā€™t know about you, but in my experience playing many mmorpgā€™s over the years it seems like the most vital and exciting part of a gameā€™s lifespan is the time when the community is growing and developing, competing for resources in a place where that competition can be direct. Raid guilds who are fully ā€œPvEā€ will come out in a group and savage through an area in the pursuit of needed materials, and it starts to feel like you are in a place truly alive and in constant flux.

For those who have enjoyed the Fallout series, itā€™s like being in the New California Republic. You have these large organizations, the NCR, the Legion, with widely differing philosophies - we have seen that sort of discourse on our forum and the small battles that have come as a result. I donā€™t think thatā€™s a bad thing at all. As long as people donā€™t bully or get into personal attacks, that sort of tension is what keeps a gameā€™s heart beating. In a way a game is just another dimension with different rules that we all want to play in, and whether youā€™re a healer who enjoys group play and co-operation or a dps who just wants to gank, the world is more exciting when both of you are stuck there together. I know folks will disagree with me on that, and say that tension isnā€™t what they look for in games, but it seems to me that those same people are the ones who will rally and take real pride in keeping their front line alive while they crush that ganker under their boot heels.

Can you tell iā€™m off work today and still in my pyjamas yet? Sorry for the rambling opinion piece, but I canā€™t help but think the game is just young and growing quickly, and the chaos of the wilds right now leaves certain stones unturned as of yet. @Alice_ArgLeaveTheRed is the kind of player a group of people would adore in the Wilds, a healer who isnā€™t bloodthirsty and wanting to pick unnecessary fights. Iā€™d like to think that we could keep the Wilds Wild and still create a scenario where theyā€™d have fun out there gathering and supporting their group without the same kind of stress they mention it causing now, and maybe that will happen as there are more players and a community solution rather than a game mechanic one.

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It ruins the economy for me, I dont want to sell goods to someone who will just kill me at some point. I currently just sell my stuff to the armorsmith so I dont have to worry about my stuff being used against me. I have sold stacks of herbs to the smith, probably would make more from players, but not worth the risk.

I offload everything before going out in the wilds collecting or fishing and port to the house at first sight of anyone. I am going to be selling the smith a few stacks of rocks here soon, running out of space in the chest.

Dec I want the rocks!

Ok, this I donā€™t understandā€¦ It doesnā€™t matter if you sell to a PvPā€™er or not. Theyā€™re still gonna PvP and acquire what they need. If not you then somebody else. So why deny yourself the Dram? Itā€™s not like they can take your dram from you.

Thatā€™s what happens when your sodium chloride levels are too high. You start acting irrational.

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If I had to guess, it might be the current state of dram sinks/faucets that contributes to this feeling. Plus the occasionally/often inflated prices for things.

The current overpricing for items is expected this early in our game worldā€™s economy. People are still getting a feel for what everyone is willing to pay for things. But we do need more dram sinksā€¦ Itā€™s honestly not hard to stock pile vast amounts of Dram without ever participating in the economy. I earned 10k Dram over the weekend just NPC vendoring anything I could get my hands on for an hour or two a day and the only thing to spend dram on is repairs whenever I overstepped.

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npc vendors need to buy things for way less thats a huge problem already imo i earned the 50k i bid for a market stall in a couple days vendoring thingsā€¦ Vendors buying cheaper will give me more room to adjust prices on what i sell in my market stall.

Alternatively, bartering could be an interesting end-around for that. Even the protection thing could be more amenable if you offer a few fish you catch or whatever.

Hard to say what is overpriced with everything selling at a certain price. The economy decides the price based on what people are purchasing. If a lot of people are buying x for y dram, then Iā€™d say that is a good price. Even if you feel like it is overpriced.

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Itā€™s super hard to gauge as a consumer though. Are stalls stocked with Aged Empowered Strikes for 4k because thatā€™s the price the owner found works, or because no oneā€™s bought it and they havenā€™t changed the price?

expect prices to drop soon since the new round of stalls were auctioned and go into effect soonā€¦ i know i plan to drop prices at my stall compared to othersā€¦ i expect more competition is going to stabalize things.

Every stall spot costs money. So most stall owners (if there smart) wonā€™t just leave an item in there that isnā€™t selling. They will either lower the price or put something else in.

Decnav, if you are npc vendoring all your harvested goods, we should talk. I strongly suspect I can get you a better price without prolonging the process or causing you strife.

A few requests:
-Increase the time someone is a bandit? Like 4-12 hours. 5minutes doesnā€™t seem long enough and I want to chase people all the way to their house to get my loot back.
-add pvp arena in a town so we can congregate and queue up for pvp arenas to get good?
-add hp to fisherman so you arenā€™t one shot away from death when you equip a weapon to defend yourself.