Beta 6 Patch 2.91

That one was fixed a patch or two ago. The shield health not being fully regenned on re-awaken follows the same behaviour as other classes (you have to wait e.g. for your orbs to charge when you first equip the class or resurrect), so that won’t be changing. The rest are on our list, though.

We are pushing out an additional patch now to the server with some changes to the Runemage Affliction talent.

Our primary goal is to figure out a way to balance the Runemage Affliction tree such that it is still better suited to groups of targets, but at the same time provide an option where single-target DPS, while not as good as Affinity, is still better (and certainly not worse) than untalented spell casting.

As such with this patch we’re making the following changes:

  • The duration of the Arcane Ray spell has been reduced to 3.5 seconds. The distance has been increased to 25 meters.
  • When the True Affliction talent is selected, the Arcane Ray spell will gain addition damage on each tick for each of the following DoTs that were cast by the mage present on the target: Flametongue, Frostbite, Affliction.

So essentially now as an Affliction mage you are encouraged to keep all 3 dots on your primary target with high uptime, and then you can either choose to spread those DoTs to groups of targets via Arcane Explosion, or get additional guaranteed damage on a target via Arcane Ray when there aren’t groups of targets available (or, for even higher DPS, both).

Let us know what you think after you give it a try.


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this is interesting. cant wait to try it

This is going to be fun to test. Is there a high level target dummy in the game that I can test this on? Then I can give a nice damage over 1 minute output log and send it to you to see if the output meets your expectations.

The right-hand practice dummy in the Player House should now be Level 30 with 1,000,000 hitpoints.

We’re definitely interested in feedback on if the tuning is right (e.g. is the bonus damage on the ray enough), and also if the timing on the duration of the effects/ray enables a solid rotation to be established.

just gonna throw it out there because mages are getting buffed again, but numbers so far still point
to mages having single target dps above all other classes. Shiki as a lvl 30 very veteran ranger during a boss fight had 12k dps per second, based on the armory dps meter, so i will be using that as base high end dps. 1 fire ball 2 at lvl 30 does about 6k dmg according to friendly local mage. if a mage casts at 1 per second using only fire ball(very inefficiant) they are halfway to that dps, but now with the increase casting spells mages claim they can go faster than 2 per second, since they are asking for faster tilesets than that

if this claim is true, which i believe they definitly may be, alone without any dots, true affinity, using only one spell they could equal the original number of 12k per second. including new talents that significantly boost dps and using actual spell rotations, rune mage can have significantly larger dps than any other class.

granted this is all very theoretical numbers, and requires more testing, but the main point of the post is to hopefully allow that testing to happen before runemage gets buffed again, while it is still so much stronger than the rest. The new dummy in the player house helps alot, but it would also be great if there was a public one of a bigger size, say a boss size, so that we can have multiple classes attacking at the same time, and can see what the dps difference is in real time

We’d be more than happy to get feedback/data on that for sure. To be clear this change is not a buff to overall Runemage damage on a single-target fight like you are talking about, since Affinity is still the higher DPS on that and this did not touch that; but yeah, if you have data, feel free to share it and I’ll take a look.

We can look into adding a boss-sized dummy someplace for sure.


I asked about this in the stunning thread but did not get an answer. Interrupts such as pushback seem to get weaker and weaker at interrupting to the point where these bosses could really be interrupted 6 times reliably. Is it intended that the interrupts get harder for mages at least or not?

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The Pushback should have diminishing returns on the pushback part, but interrupting should be either “interrupted” or “not” so I will look into that.

Oh actually what boss was this on, the Minotaur boss? Or?

There is actually a mechanic related to that I don’t think has been figured out yet, and essentially the amount of interrupts required to “break” the interrupt is going up, which is why it seems like each interrupt is doing less each time, it’s not just for Runemages though. There is a way to keep that from happening.

Assuming that is the fight you are talking about.

For some reason I can’t download this patch at all. I tried having the Orbus app itself update it, but it’d come across an asset file, slow down exponentially, and then it eventually gives up on the file and update entirely, saying it failed. I then deleted that version and went to download the zip file straight from the website, and the zip file won’t download completely either. Please help ;-;

Give it about 15 minutes to finish uploading, then you can try downloading it here:

When is this going to be fixed?

Thank you so much, the download worked from there perfectly.

When you say you compared it to the old game, were you comparing it based on when the bow stopped drawing back (like the arrow stopped moving), or were you comparing it based on the damage numbers and ignoring that part of it?

Based on when the arrow stops, i have to make longer real-life movements than i did in the old game to make it reach max distance which is not how rapidity worked

Okay…I mean I have checked the code itself and the maximum bow drawback distance in both cases is 0.45 meters. I even booted up a copy of the old game to make sure and if I have my arrow hand right by my cheek, I have to hold the bow out to almost the full extent of my other arm with a very slight bend to be drawn all the way back.

I am looking through the damage code now to make sure that didn’t change, which is more possible. The only thing I can think of that was happening is you were not actually fully drawing the bow back but we weren’t requiring you to do that to get full damage previously server-side.

And just to be sure, you think you are having to draw it farther back to get the same distance as before, not the same damage?

Old orbus: left arm not completely stretched, right controller in front of my chest with enough space not to hit myself to completely draw the arrow and do the max damage
Reborn: left arm needs to be completely stretched, right controller nearly touch my chest in order to draw the arrow at the max distance.

In both cases the damage is geatly reduced if i don’t fully draw the arrow, it just was much easier in orbus to reach max distance.

Okay, so not trying to be annoying, but just trying to track down the issue.

You are using “damage” and “distance” interchangeably, and they are two different things in terms of what goes where. Is the problem that you think you have to draw it back further to shoot it as far as before, or to do as much damage as before?

Because I think the distance is based on the horizontal offset value I mentioned earlier, but the damage is based on a different part of the code, so I am wondering if the distance hasn’t changed but somehow the damage drawback requirement has.