Different Ideas that I've had

I’m just going to post some old threads I made as see if we can get some more light on them.

Only addition I would add to this is to add Rupert spirit.

This I still believe would be a very great concept that would save chest room. Could also act as a dram sink if you added the perm dyes to a vendor for high prices.

The last one said it could be implemented if there is time, is there time yet? I and many shamans would love to be able to do this. Currently masks clip through a lot of the helmets.


Rupert all the way.

I love the carnival idea. The runemage wand could be like one of those sparkler sticks (maybe even provide a bit of light)
A carnival guy could hire you to cast fireworks. If you do a good job you can get the wand.


One of the original mage talents proposed was “the last spell you cast will change the color of your fireworks spell.” Would be neat to see that built in to the wand-transmog.

Also would be nice if fireworks SFX was added back :frowning:

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Another thing for the dyes. You could convert a stack of dye and a sum of dram to turn it into a reusable dye.

For example, a stack of brick red and 50k makes it 1 reusable dye. Or a stack of Snow White and 250k dram makes it reusable. This would add a bit of a dram sink and add a way to get rid of excess dyes that a lot of players have


Maybe you could get glue for your light spell to finally get sticky light back


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