Flanking Damage for Ranger

Recently there’s been some discussion about DPS for Ranger and Mage and the various struggles and skill caps. This got me thinking about methods to give rangers more options for skill based damage. I think it’s been discussed on this forum before (I couldn’t find the thread) but if not, has there been any thought on adding weak points or flanking damage for ranger’s to exploit.

I’m curious to hear everyone else’s thoughts. I personally think this will enable the ranger to have more options for developing skill beyond just timing. I don’t know how easy it would be to implement a specific weak point as the mobs in this game are treated as a single object for hit detection without any specificity for where they are hit (to my knowledge). I think it’s much more viable to consider flanking damage (assuming this isn’t already a thing, idk) as this can be calculated by looking at the direction the mob is facing and then using the position between the player and the mob to determine if the player should receive flanking damage, plus this can be used generically. I’m not sure how this would shake up raids and world bosses as I haven’t reached end level yet but I don’t foresee much of an impact in basic questing and grinding as this would revolve heavily on positioning during a battle.

Admittedly flanking doesn’t take as much skill as would be desirable but I think it’s much easier to implement at least for starters.

So yeah I’m curious what thoughts you all may have regarding implementing this kind of damage bonus.

anything to make rangers a more flexible/advantageous/interesting pick would be huge. Their damage doesn’t really outclass mages, even on a single target, they can’t aoe, or provide utility… just single target pew pew with 2 of their arrows used (the same 2, always) and an unused trap. They’re the default tech demo from most of steam without much added to make them unique in orbus.

Something as simple as position could be challenging because they already have a distance limitation which they can not always make use of… having them restricted to an angular position could be rough because of how the game’s raids are designed (literally everybody stand HERE and spam for 30 minutes or we all die). If that meant double-gimped from their potential… it would feel even worse as a player.

I’d prefer something high skill cap to give them a mastery challenge. Rune mages struggle to master their casting and consistency to get that tip damage output, at which point they seem to be fairly incomparable. Rangers are very easy to play. It would be nice if they had a ‘push them over the edge to top single target dps’ mechanic that was very skill based, but not arbitrarily limiting or requiring redesign/special consideration of boss mechanics.

Weak points (on elites?) would definitely be my vote in that regard… consistent, good, fast aim is very skill based and can be taken advantage of (well… ignoring hit box mechanics for a moment) more consistently than a positional requirement (it would rapidly become a requirement). A combo build mechanic, or just a buff for accuracy would make it worth investing time in practice. An archery course/contest would be cool too :stuck_out_tongue:


i personally like the idea of precision instead of just being a timer where you release at the right time, a target would pop up on a random location on the boss, and it would do more damage if you hit that spot.

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Don’t get your hopes up, hell, they still think this level scaling is a good thing.

Come on, just because we don’t like level scaling doesn’t mean that it’s not good for the community and the game itself. I am on the same side as you, I loved being able to go through dungeons on my own and blow through everything solo, even the lvl 16 dungeon. However, level scaling stopped that, and we just have to deal with it. It’s encouraging us to go into dungeons with other players rather than being a caveman simply sitting in an instance for the rest of our orbus days.

You’ve stated your opinion in the correct thread, so there’s no reason you need to be passive aggressive about it elsewhere.


I find it nice. Cant really see what’s so bad about it.

Majo and dessert (misspelling intended) Are still possible to do solo. May require a lot of time and a few class changes.

Agreeing with the fact that anything that could variet the dps of a ranger would be appreciated.

Lol I think the archer traps should be replace by a familiar summoning. Like a pokeball.

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Interesting, what would the familiar do? I agree that the trap as is, is kinda pointless.

Trap can sometimes be effective in overworld, when fighting overleveled mobs in a group of 3+ (where single pull doesn’t always work out). Aside from that, I’ve pretty much never seen it used.

The hunter trap is garbage and I actually can’t believe it’s still in this game… especially as a player who has always loved being a ranger in any game, I almost never play Orbus any more because every time I come back to the game I just get frustrated with how fucking boring it is to play… there’s more dynamics to a bow fight in VR Skyrim (on legendary difficulty) than in Orbus, and Orbus was made for VR from the start.

It’s also nice cause when you watch an enemy in VR skyrim swing and hit the air in front of them, it just hits the air in front of them… it doesn’t send an invisible spectral blade out 10 feet to magically damage you.
There’s nothing more frustrating than fake difficulty, forcing you to take damage from something that you could use skill to avoid. There’s no point in kiting back as a ranger, no point in back strafing or trying to distance yourself, cause the millisecond the enemy attack animation starts, that damage is guaranteed.
This isn’t a problem for group players who have a tank.
What about solo rangers who just want to play the story and level up and roll play? It’s hard to play the roll of an agile bowman when any attempts at being agile are rejected by the game design.

If anyone has played or seen trickster VR, you’d know a more fluid combat system is possible, and in an online environment too.

But back to the main point of the hunters trap… how many people have to NEVER use this skill for any practical reason ever for the devs to finally decide to scrap it?
I really want to love Orbus, I just can’t justify feeling positively about this game still. I’ve tried playing once ever 2 weeks or so to try and re-ignite my love for it… each time i try i get an even more bitter taste in my mouth.
But i’m still holding out for reborn.

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It has been discussed before and I think it’s something that is both wanted and needed for ranger.

Flanking however just sounds like it will be more trouble than it’s worth as it will cause problems for raids or cause the rangers to need to be in silly places to do max damage which is already enough trouble because of the globes

As for the trap, most of the time I grab it, it ends up on the floor under my feet because I grab it while going for one of my special arrows, I’ve attempted to use it a handful of times since it last got an update and it’s mostly just wasted our time in the shard that we were doing, I’d be happy if they just removed it or gave us an option to hide it at this point as it just gets in the way

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