New Patch: 4.0 -- Content Patch One!

Didn’t get that far with reading the new posts, Sorry. :slight_smile: And thanks!

True I didn’t try to hit anything else today as a warrior.

No worries, just thought it might be related.

I just noticed that there was a bug whereby the cutoff time for the loot reset was using UTC time instead of server time as intended. As such, for the past 30 minutes or so it may have shown that you were eligible to receive a guaranteed drop even though you had already gotten one for today. I’ve fixed that and now it should be correct again.

The loot will reset tonight at Midnight (12 AM) US Central Time.

Just a heads-up if you were confused by that.


New dungeon is super cool, you guys killed it.

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Just to be sure, is the new armor supposed to be only 1% better than the old? As a ranger i only got 3 armor point from my new gloves and other 3 from my new helmet.

Yeah that’s correct…the Armor value displayed on the item goes up linearly so it doesn’t really increase much with each level, and this is just 1/4 of a level better than the previous gear. At the same time though the effectiveness of Armor is based on your base level (20), so having 20.25 Armor is actually more effective than that.

So I guess basically the raw Armor value just went up a little, but it’s better than that would seem to indicate in terms of effect.

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Thank you! Glad to hear it.

Yeah, the runemage chest piece is only 2 more armor over previous and the stat range is frequently below the top of the previous range as well

The stat range of secondary stats for Level 20 Armor is 75-100. The stat range of the new 20.25 armor is 76-101.

Again, keep in mind this is the armor that was in theory supposed to be in the game “from the beginning”. Like in theory this should have been available the same day the game launched (if we had done a traditional launch not Early Access). So if you have been grinding mobs a long time already and gotten good gear it may not seem like much of an upgrade, but to a freshly-minted 20 this is good stuff.

The Shard Dungeon Armor/Weapons will be Level 20.25 - Level 21, so that will be more of an upgrade.

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Any hard number on how much the “Sticky” affix adds to a Slow debuff?
I see in the patch notes that the Slow debuff as been standardized and now we know the percentages for Frostbolt spells.

I have a ring with the “Sticky” label at the bottom of its tooltip, and it appears to have made the Slow debuff on mobs slower than when I don’t have it equipped. Just curious how much it’s slowing them down… or it it’s all in my head! :crazy_face:

Ah ha! Thank you, I had never seen that page on the wiki!

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There seems to be a stuck in combat issue when killing Mist Keeper, we had to return to graveyard.

Ranger Gear/Bow has a white background on the icons.

Mobs/Bosses respawn in the dungeon after a period of time, is this intended?

Also is the pink liquid a mechanic for the Sentry fight? It disappointingly just seems like a tank and spank.

About the ranger ultimate: after we cleared both wings and started farming epics on the Sentry boss, i didn’t have my ultimate for most of the fights, it only charged a few times when the boss was almost dead and only if one of our dps died so the fight was slower.
Even against the other bosses on the first run of both wings i had my ultimate only when they were pretty low hp and i could see the other classes using their ultimate with no problems way before me.
And i always use every skill when available and shoot from enough range to charge the ultimate as fast as i can.

Ye I took a video of myself doing the Mutated Worm boss.

I was constantly using my spells for the sake of generating ultimate and I was able to generate my ult around 3 min and 30 sec in the 5 min 30 sec fight while ending the fight with about 50% ultimate.

This is the last thing I’m going to say in this thread as it doesn’t relate.

It’s intended that the mobs respawn, yes. I’m not sure that the bosses should be respawning, though.

There are some mechanics in that fight you have to watch out for if you’re not in an overgeared group, the tank in particular has some things they should be doing to make sure the fight goes properly. That said, we didn’t want all of them to be as complicated as the Mist Keeper fight…

There is a new patch available on the client on both the Steam and Oculus stores with a few fixes:

  • Fixed the Warrior sword strike detection to require much less speed to register.
  • Fixed the model of the new Musketeer helm
  • FIxed some small issues with the ground height not working properly in the Tradu Crypt in some areas.
  • Fixed the box collider of the Practice Dummy being way off.
  • Fixed an issue where the new Mage wand was interfering with locomotion.

There will also be another server restart in about 30 minutes with a few more changes, just FYI. Announcements are going out now.

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Would love to see a ranger competition someday. Speed shooting and distance.

Do you ever sleep?? Lol

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I get the human-standard 4 hours per night! :smile: