[spoilers] Explain fishing to me

Remaining questions:

SpoilersWhy are certain fish unlisted on this map, for example the green bellied bass near the graveyard/waterfall area outside of highsteppe? You can catch them there. Is the map not fully accurate or is there a reason to fish elsewhere for bass? IE, certain spots are better? Or if a fish is catchable in an area, then it's just as good as anywhere else?

Does night/day affect anything?

I hear rain affects the availability of some fish, which fish?

Does rain affect bite-rate?

Which lures are required for each fish, which lures are “extra”?
Example: Sunfish I’ve caught with just a tongue, and just an eye. Thus showing that a “required” component can also be “extra.” The minnow does seem to help (have not tried with just a minnow).

What’s the ratio to catch double fish with luck?

Whats the % increase of the bite rate for fishing attractor potions? Aged fishing attractor potions?

Does the order of what is on the lure matter at all? ( I assume not, but hey ).

Anything else worth knowing?



Spoilers Strength only reduces how often the fish jerks (moves away from you): https://community.orbusvr.com/t/the-new-fishing-mechanics-need-adjustments/10102/9

Fish jerking does not make the line red:

It’s better to reel immediately even without a fish hooked. Only cast-distance, lures, and fish attractor pot matters for bite-chance:

Widlife more commonly drop fishing lures:

Ultra settings might make it harder to fish (might be fixed):

Time spent aging a potion is remembered, not reset, when you remove it from the aging rack. Unsure how this is affected by multiple stacks w/ different ages.

Intellect only affects nibble chance, not catch chance.

Luck gives a chance for double fish. nothing more.

Where to farm lures



Legendary Fish:
The three original legendary fish and one of the new ones do not have a set location. They rotate around the various bodies of water across the world and only remain there for a short time, around a couple of hours.

What are primary, secondary lures for each fish? (doesn’t seem completely accurate, for ex: I’ve caught sunfish using only a small tongue as well as only a lesser eye).

Sun Fish

  • Lure: Lesser eye (primary), Small tongue, large minnow.

Green Bellied Bass

  • Lure: Small Tooth (Rotten Finger), Small tongue, Rotten Finger.

Axolotl Fish

  • Lure: Small Tooth (primary), Feathers, Rotten Finger.

Spiralback Snail

  • Lure: Blue Scales (primary), Feathers, Lesser Eyes.

Katyharan Catfish

  • Lure: Small Tooth (primary), Feathers, Small tongue.

Dwarf Shark

  • Lure: Eyeworm (primary), Rotten Finger.

Clown Fish

  • Lure: Bloodyflesh (primary), Rotten Finger.

Phoenix Fish

  • Lure: Shiny Metal (primary), Eyeworm.

Ridgeback Piranha

  • Lure: Minnow (primary), Lesser Eye, Rotten Finger.

Cloak Fish

  • Lure: Lesser Eye (primary), Feather.

Saddled Lion Eel

  • Lure: Blue Scales (primary), Lesser Eye, Minnow.

Large Minnow

  • Lure: Small Tooth (primary), Small tongue, Rotten Finger.

Legendary Fish

Weather and Time of Day in the Game World affect the availability of legendary fish, along with other conditions yet to be determined.

Blimp Fish

  • Lure: Shiny Metal and Large Minnow

Frosted Perch

  • Lure: Bloody Flesh, Blue Scales. Rotten finger.

Da Majestic Flounder

  • Lure: Bloody Flesh, Eyeworm, and Shiny Metal.


  • Lure: Snake bits, Bloody Flesh, Eyeworm


  • Lure: Snake bits, fatfly, Shiny Metal (only when raining)

(2nd reply reserved for misc tips etc)

Grab your fishing rod and hold for about 1-2 seconds, without moving your hand too much, and your controller will vibrate. This enables sticky grips for tools so that you don’t have to hold down grip the entire time.

How to frequently prevent fish from jerking, thus catching faster.

Feathers are good for testing waters / getting nibbles.

Feathers and rotten fingers are only enhancers (“extra”) never required.

This it the data i put together during the Reborn beta, added the mount blueprint to it as well, as far as I’m aware it still all correct


No one knows the catch ratio I think but it’s preeeetty low, I barely get double fish and got a full luck tree+rings on.
Intellect gives an advantage for finding nibbles, good for testing the waters, nothing else.
Fishing Potions: Always use age, it’s easy to age them and much more effective.

As for catch rates I think some are flatout bugged (clown fish in particular) but if I get to it I will do a separate post…

PS (Edit): Oh, as for Jelmiry I put an insane amount of time into finding patterns, hours per day in all the zones with notes and what not. To no avail. I completely gave up on fishing it, months ago, only fishing some in US timezone (middle of night for me) if I ran out and have to.
Reason is, there was a post of Landru which I found to be true - it likely does not even spawn if no one is in the zone at the time where it should. No clue if that bug is fixed by now, but it might have been the reason I never found anything during my playtime (usually there’s no one in shards when I play, with one exception, hs, and rarely in rainforest - but there you only get Jelmiry with lots of trash fish, and it barely is worth all the fuzz).


So luck does or does not affect bite-chance? You mentioned double fish from luck, is that all that luck does?

Yes that’s all luck does now

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I still wish the player book provided more information about the fish you caught other than weight and amount.


Hell, it would be nice to be able to edit or write new pages (even if it means typing slowly on that keyboard) lol

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